Order Forms

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You can speed-order by calling 800-CONETROL (1-800-266-3876) from 11 - 5 c.s.t. any weekday to get a live answer. We'll ship the same day! ....Or you can email us your phone number so that we can call you back (email@conetrol.com); tell us a good time to call.

We need the following information to properly fill your order.

Contact Information:


Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Postmail Address:
(Include city and Zip Code)

Order Specifications:

Gun,  make and model:


Scope,  make and model:

Outer diameter of
scope's eyepiece:

Outer diameter of
scope's objective:

Length & diameter of
central mounting tube:


Huntur base? __

Huntur rings?

Gunnur base? __

Gunnur rings?

Custum base? __

Custum rings?

One-piece base? __

Two-piece base?

Fluted base?
(Only two-piece available.
See Fluted Bases webpage)
__ __
Additional Information:

If you have any questions or comments about your order, you may enter them at right.



If you'd rather order by mail, click: form that you can print, and mail it to us . . . .



 (All webpages in the www.conetrol.com website are described on the Menu Page.)