Contacting Us

Any questions for Conetrol? Would you like to place an order?
You can reach us by phone, fax, e-mail, or U.S. mail


. . . 800-CONETROL (1-800-266-3876),_or 830-379-3030

-- You can call between 11 AM and 5 PM c.s.t. any weekday and get a live answer to place orders or to get personal answers to technical questions.
-- We generally open the office on Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 PM to process Saturday's mail, so you can also call then to get a live answer either for orders or technical help.
-- You can call 24 hours a day to request literature, or to leave your phone number so that we can call you back. A phone recorder will take messages any time the office is closed.
-- Credit card information can safely be left on our phone recorder. After placing an order by email, you can just leave your name and credit card information on our phone tape. Order will be shipped promptly. (We'll email any questions we might have before shipment.)


. . . 830-379-3030

-- You can fax us 24 hours a day. .....However, we normally check our fax machine between the hours of 11 and 5 c.s.t. on weekdays and respond then to faxed messages which have come in. So if you would like a quick reply at the time you send your fax, send it during those hours. We can get back to you promptly by either fax or phone.
-- It is safe to give credit card and other confidential information using our fax setup.


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-- Regarding E-Mail: Conetrol can respond the same day to all e-mail received and will be pleased to e-mail an answer to any question left hanging after you have looked over the website. If you want to order Conetrol products, however, this is best and most safely done at present by calling 800-CONETROL (1-800-266-3876) toll-free on weekdays between 11am and 5pm c.s.t. Shipment is always immediate, using credit cards, unless you are in want of special-finish items or other nonstandard merchandise.
-- You can also order and give credit card information safely by using our fax (830-379-3030).


10225 State Highway 123 South
Seguin, TX 78155


Although there is no obligation, we hope you will take a few moments to participate in a little survey. By filling it out, you can help us improve our website and perhaps our service

. . . . Take the Survey.

(All webpages in the website are described on the Menu Page.)